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Benefits of Kubernetes for Large Corporations

Benefits of Kubernetes for Large Corporations

With ever-growing competition in the market, businesses today are meticulously developing quality applications that offer seamless user experience. But such premium applications call for a robust IT infrastructure that offers scalability, customization, top-notch security, and capacity.

That’s when Kubernetes- an open-source container-orchestration system comes in!

With Kubernetes platform, enterprises will be powered with better resource management and scalable IT infrastructure to help them achieve their objectives.

Let’s see what benefits Kubernetes has to offer for large-scale enterprises:

What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is an open-source container-orchestration platform launched by Google in 2015. Soon after, Kubernetes was handed to CNCF for further promotion of innovative container technology. Now, Kubernetes is standard for container management.

When it comes to cloud computing, the concept of containerization proves to be cost-effective and beneficial. It aims to reduce the complexity that comes with the management of containerized applications.

Kubernetes is an ideal workload distribution and orchestration solution for server clusters in a data center. It makes sure resources are available, accessible, and well-balanced for multiple servers involved.

What does Kubernetes platform do?

Kubernetes allows enterprises to reap maximum benefits out of container technology by helping them automate and simplify their container workflows. 

Kubernetes automates the deployment, management, and scaling of containerized applications based upon server clusters. Moreover, it also allows you to automatically manage logs, storage, alerts, networking, and other components of your containers.

It is a cost-effective platform as it demands less IT manpower for container management. And since the Kubernetes applications are portable, you can easily move them across internal or cloud environments. 

Benefits of Kubernetes for Large Enterprises:

Adopting Kubernetes and its container technology can considerably support your business’s strategic and operational goals. It is a production-ready and cost-effective platform that offers a top-notch set of features for enhanced container management.

Here are some of the main benefits of Kubernetes for large corporations:

Reduces resource expenses:

Containers are nothing but isolated packages consisting of code and its dependencies to run applications quickly and seamlessly. Multiple containers are able to share the same network connection and OS, thus aiding better resource utilization. This approach is much better than creating individual VMs (virtual machines) with an OS for every application.

Containers are lightweight and require few resources, thus saving up costs for data centers and hardware. 

100% Open-source, Easy to use and Portable

Kubernetes can be deployed on any type of infrastructure. It allows you to run your containerized applications reliably across different environments, be it public cloud, private cloud, on-premises, dedicated VMs, bare metal, or any other. 

Besides, you can even copy the containers to development, integration, test, and live environments. Due to this, your software development and launch process become quicker and simpler. Such an approach not only offers faster time-to-market but also helps businesses fulfill customer demands on time.


You can use a single orchestration tool to manage all your environments. Kubernetes’s compatibility to be deployed on any infrastructure is what makes it highly flexible, reliable, and perfect to empower your multi-cloud strategies. Not to forget, it also prevents businesses from cloud vendor lock-ins.


Containers have a lightweight design and it is easy to create them. Kubernetes enables you to use the infrastructural resources wisely and deliver the following scaling benefits:

  • Kubernetes lets you employ horizontal scaling as it operates at an individual server level. You can easily add new servers or remove them. 
  • The auto-scaling feature of Kubernetes automatically lets you change the number of containerized applications that are running, depending upon resource utilization and other container-generated metrics.
  • Kubernetes also allows manual scaling, so you can manually change the number of running containerized apps via the interface.
  • The Replication Controller feature of Kubernetes ensures that your cluster contains the desired number of pods running. If it has less, it will create extra pods, and if it has too many pods running, it will terminate a few.

Note: Kubernetes applications consist of multiple containers and they are grouped as pods. These pods co-exist inside the containers, and they share resources such as IP addresses, file systems, etc. 


High Availability

Kubernetes platform makes sure to keep your applications and infrastructure up and running, thereby offering high availability. 

  • It prevents application failure by regularly monitoring the status of containers and nodes. If a pod crashes, Kubernetes offers self-healing and auto-replacement features to keep you covered.
  • Traffic routing capabilities of Kubernetes effectively routes the incoming requests towards optimal containers. It also features load balancers that will divide the traffic load across multiple pods to handle unexpected traffic hikes, batch processing, and balance the resources effectively for the same.

Automated rollouts and rollbacks

Want to quickly roll out a configuration update or a completely new version of your application? Kubernetes will make sure to monitor the status of containers during rollouts, without causing any downtime. If a failure occurs, it will automatically rollback.

  • Kubernetes supports Canary deployments, so you can seamlessly test your new deployments in production, parallel to the previous version, even before scaling.
  • Additionally, Kubernetes supports a variety of programming frameworks and languages including .Net, Go, Java, and more for seamless application UX.


Kubernetes addresses security issues with its ability to store confidential data like SSH keys, passwords, etc. in Kubernetes secrets. The application configuration and the secrets are deployed and timely updated, without any information leaks.

Wrap Up

Container technology is evolving rapidly in the industry due to its impressive features and cost-effective approach. And, Kubernetes platform stands out from the rest of the container orchestration systems due to its rich feature set and exceptional management capabilities.

Kubernetes platform is easy to deploy and lets you manage your containerized applications and infrastructure with much flexibility, scalability, and efficiency.

Want to use Kubernetes technology for your enterprise? CloudMatos is here to help you deploy and operate Kubernetes to your infrastructure. 

We help large corporations and IT market leaders with the adoption of Kubernetes container orchestration solution. This way, developers can meet the market demands quicker, without worrying about the complexity of running containers in environments. All your container-related tasks such as deployments, management, and maintenance become easier with Kubernetes.



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